katrina & robbie | la selva beach wedding | santa cruz

Gabe and I would gladly adopt Katrina and Robbie into our family if we could, they are honestly two of the nicest people you could hope to meet, let alone have the honor of documenting their wedding day. This was a wedding so full of soul and personality, from the bouquets and boutonnieres made by Katrina’s mom and the hand-crafted origami cranes, to the home-brewed beer and the vintage film camera that recorded greetings from all of the guests. All of the thoughtful and creative details made the day feel so atmospheric, intimate and warm despite the unexpected rain in June. The wedding was planned to be out on a bluff overlooking the ocean, but when the rain showed no sign of letting up it was moved into a nearby church at the very last minute. Katrina and Robbie gracefully went with the flow of the changes, and their laid back spirits set the mood for all of their guests. I’m pretty sure that they also manifested the clearing of the stormy skies at exactly the time we had scheduled to do some sunset pictures and I’m so thankful that they were both able to get out to that bluff to enjoy the beautiful light as husband and wife that day.








  1. Heidi says:

    Lovely images Carlie! And what a sweet wedding.

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